Energia News

Thousands of Kindergarten Children Take PHR Education About the Dangers of Fire

Thousands of Kindergarten Children Take PHR Education About the Dangers of Fire

DURI, 28 February 2024 — PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) Regional Sumatra Subholding Upstream Pertamina, provided education about the dangers of fire and the importance of the role of the Fire Department in rescue, handling and preventing fires to approximately 1,000 children at kindergarten/PAUD/ RA located around the operational area, which was held at PHR Komperta Duri, Wednesday (27/02).

Kindergarten children are basically very curious and have an interest in fire. They do not understand the consequences of playing with matches, lighters, or the consequences that occur when a fire burns. They also often act without thinking about possible dangers, so they tend to experiment with fire or get too close to heat sources.

This activity is a means for children to learn to deal with emergency situations. PHR together with the Fire Emergency Response Team (FERT) provides an understanding of the potential dangers of fire, getting to know fire extinguishing equipment, handling safety, understanding the role of the fire extinguisher profession, and training children's abilities regarding emergency situations.

At the location, the children and teachers also seemed enthusiastic about participating in a series of safety campaign events. This upstream oil and gas company also presented personnel and three fire engines belonging to PHR.

Manager of External Communications & Stakeholder Relations (ECSR) North PHR Rudi Arief said that knowledge about handling fires should be known from an early age. In this way, this knowledge and ability can be imprinted in children and they will be able to overcome them if undesirable things happen.

“It only takes a moment to start a fire. By taking precautions and teaching toddlers about fire safety, together we can help keep them safe. Therefore, this education is very important for us to provide, not only to children, but also to teachers and guardians of students. "Safety is the main thing, we must be able to recognize potential dangers, especially fire dangers, and deal with them as quickly as possible," said Rudi.

Rudi advised that the knowledge and practices provided by PHR can be understood well. "So that it can be implemented if potential danger occurs, this education is for our collective safety and security. We at PHR also appreciate the kindergarten schools that are involved, meaning we are all aware of these safety aspects. "Children are expected to carry the values of safety until they grow up in the future," he said.

Head of RA Miftahul Huda, Susanti A.Ma, said that the education provided by PHR was very useful and provided positive value for children's growth and development.

"Activities like this are very beneficial for children and teachers. We hope that safety education like this can be carried out routinely so that children understand the dangers of fire and are responsive in responding to it," he said.

He added that PHR had had a broad impact on society. "We appreciate the roles of PHR. "Hopefully PHR will continue to be successful and spread wider benefits to society," he said.


PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) is a subsidiary of Pertamina which operates in the oil and natural gas huleu business sector under the Upstream Subholding, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE). PHR was founded on December 20 2018.

Pertamina has received a mandate from the Indonesian Government to manage the Rokan Working Area since August 9 2021. Pertamina assigned PHR to carry out the process of transferring management from the previous operator. The transition process was safe, smooth and reliable. PHR will continue to manage the Rokan WK for 20 years, from 9 August 2021 to 8 August 2041.

The Rokan WK operating area covers an area of around 6,200 km2 in 7 districts/cities in Riau Province. There are 80 active fields with 11,300 wells and 35 gathering stations. WK Rokan produces a quarter of national crude oil or a third of Pertamina's production. Apart from producing oil and gas for the country, PHR manages social and environmental responsibility programs with a focus on education, health, community economy and the environment.
