Shareholder Information and Share Ownership Percentage

PHE's main/controlling shareholder is PT Pertamina (Persero), a state-owned enterprise (SOE), with a direct ownership of 99.9968% and an indirect ownership of 0.0032% through PT Pertamina Pedeve Indonesia. As a result, PT Pertamina (Persero) is both the parent company and the ultimate owner of the Company.

There is a change in the composition of shareholders, based on Notary Deed of Marianne Vincentia Hamdani, SH No. 8 dated 1 September 2021 Regarding the Implementation of the Establishment (Legal End-State) of PHE Subholding Upstream. Because PHE remains a Limited Liability Company and not a public company, this Report is unable to disclose information about the following: the names of shareholders, including the 20 largest shareholders and their percentage of ownership; the names of shareholders and their percentage of ownership, including the names of shareholders who own 5% or more shares; a group of community shareholders with less than 5% share ownership each; and the names of the Board of Directors of Commissioners as well as the direct and indirect ownership percentages.

Structure of the Company's Major and Controlling Shareholders

Shareholder Structure of Upstream Holding
Shareholder Information and Share Ownership Percentage