The Board of Directors operates in accordance with Board Manual Guidelines No. A-005/PHE040/2018-S9 concerning the work of the PHE Board of Directors, dated October 31th, 2018. The Board Manual is one of the GCG's soft structures and is an expansion of the Corporate Governance Guidelines, which are referenced in the Company's Articles of Association, and aims to:

  1. Become a reference/guideline on the main tasks and work functions of each organ;
  2. Improving the quality and effectiveness of inter-organ work relations;
  3. Applying the GCG principles of transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence, and fairness.

The Board Charter, among others, regulates the following:

  1. Capacity building and recognition programs
  2. Independence of the Board of Directors
  3. Ethics for members of the Board of Directors
  4. The composition, duties, and authorities of the Board of Directors
  5. Meetings of the Board of Directors
  6. Performance assessment of the Board of Directors
  7. Supporting functions
  8. Company relations with Subsidiaries

Board of Directors Charter
