Continuous Improvement Program (CIP)

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi is fully committed to maintaining the quality of the corporate business through the consistent implementation of the Continuous Improvement Program (CIP) in the form of Project Collaboration Improvement (PC Prove), Functional Team Improvement (FT Prove), Individual Improvement (I Prove) and Replication Team Improvement (RT Prove).

In 2022, PHE implemented 947 CIP programs in all work areas, including Headquarters/Regional/Services Offices as well as Subsidiaries, which related to the company's business aspects, such as:

  1. Zero LTI (Loss Time Incident) and HSSE performance improvements
  2. Increase in exploration success ratio and significant increase of resources and reserves
  3. OTOBOSOR project implementation
  4. Increased production through the development of new fields & optimizing existing fields
  5. Cost efficiency of production & support operations
  6. Strategic partnerships and new business opportunities
  7. Synergy between PERTAMINA's subsidiaries to maximize added value.
  8. Digital Information data integration.

To support the commitment to implement the CIP program, PHE consistently organizes Upstream Improvement & Innovation Awards (UIIA) Forum as a channel to share knowledge on the best innovations within the company. Furthermore, the best innovations of UIIA Forum will preferred to participate in the tiered Corporate, National nor International level.

Various achievements have been made and won awards at the national and international levels through CIP. Proving the quality of improvement or innovation at PHE can compete competitively at the national and international levels.

PHE is also committed to protecting improvements/innovations by registering these works as the Company's intellectual property. In 2022, PHE succeeded obtaining patents for several innovations. Getting ahead, PHE will focus on the innovation commercialization process that will encourage the emergence of new business lines to support the Company's sustainability in the future.

Innovation Lists